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Uncover the Costs – National Defence

When governments contract out public sector work to private companies, profits take priority over services, and everyone, except the corporate shareholders, ends up paying the price.

Instead of providing the budget to hire an adequate number of employees, the Department of National Defence skimps on staffing budgets, forcing Base Commanders to contract out while knowing that it will cost more money to provide less service. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent in this shell game, with substantial profits going to private corporations in Canada, and across the globe.

In the meantime, communities across the country, that rely on Canadian Forces bases for employment, are left with minimum wage, precarious jobs instead of decent work that pays a decent wage and allows workers to contribute to their local economies.

The Government of Canada has said that it is committed to ending precarious work, supporting our troops and investing in local communities. Bringing this work back in house will do that. Tell DND and the Government to stop paying more to get less.

Découvrez des exemples de contrats de travaux civils à travers le pays.

Cliquez sur les points pour voir les contrats en date du 2 septembre 2020.

Cold lake Edmonton Goosebay Valcartier St. Jean Nanaimo Esquimalt Yellowknife Suffield Moose Jaw Shilo Borden North Bay Trenton Petawawa Kingston Montreal NCR St John NB Halifax Gagetown PEI Greenwood Gander
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In the interest of safety and security:
The case for ending the privatization of Department of National Defence services

Download the report

"We want this federal government to stop contracting-out public services and reflect the Canadians they serve."

Chris Aylward

National President, Public Service Alliance of Canada

"Contracting-out has resulted in a degradation of service standards, is a waste of a money and has the potential to compromise the Canadian Armed Forces’ mission readiness."

June Winger

National President, Union of National Defense Employees